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Formal Analysis and Software Testing meets Programming Languages

Research group in the Department of Computing at Imperial College London, formerly known as the Multicore Programming Group

  • We work on fast programming languages for accelerated computing
  • We design formal analysis and software testing techniques
  • We use these techniques to make programming languages more reliable


Current research group members

Former research group members

  • Chengsong Tan, postdoc 2022-2024, jointly advised by John Wickerson
  • Vasileios Klimis, postdoc 2021–2023, jointly advised by John Wickerson Lecturer at Queen Mary University of London.
  • Jack Clark, research assistant 2021-2023, jointly advised by John Wickerson
  • Karine Even-Mendoza, postdoc 2020-2022, jointly advised by Cristian Cadar Lecturer at King’s College London
  • Matthew Windsor, postdoc 2018-2021, jointly advised by John Wickerson software engineer at Anaplan
  • Pritam Gharat, postdoc 2018-2021, jointly advised by Cristian Cadar Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research India
  • Michael Marcozzi, postdoc 2018-2020, jointly advised by Cristian Cadar Tenured Researcher at the CEA LIST institute from Université Paris-Saclay
  • Qiyi Tang, postdoc 2018-2019, jointly advised by Cristian Cadar Lecturer at the University of Liverpool
  • David MacIver, PhD student, 2017-2021 independent software developer, writer and consultant
  • Dan Iorga, PhD student (thesis) then posdoc, 2017-2022, co-supervised by John Wickerson Staff Engineer at Qualcomm
  • Hugues Evrard, postdoc 2016-2018 Software Engineer at Google
  • Tyler Sorensen, PhD student (thesis) 2015-2018 Assistant Professor at University of California Santa Cruz
  • Ethel Morgan, PhD student 2015-2017
  • Andrei Lascu, research assistant then PhD student (thesis) 2014-2021 Postdoc at King’s College London
  • Christopher Lidbury, PhD student (thesis) 2014-2019 Software Engineer in industry
  • Victor Magron, postdoc 2014-2015, jointly advised by George Constantinides Researcher at CNRS, Tolouse
  • Pantazis Deligiannis, PhD student (thesis) 2013-2016 Principal Research Software Engineer at Microsoft Research
  • Daniel Liew, PhD student (thesis) 2013-2017, co-supervised by Cristian Cadar Software Engineer at Apple
  • Peter Collingbourne, postdoc during 2012 Researcher at Google
  • John Wickerson, postdoc 2012-2013 Senior Lecturer at Imperial College London
  • Jeroen Ketema, postdoc 2012-2015 Senior Software Engineer at GitHub
  • Nathan Chong, PhD student (thesis) 2012-2014 Principal Applied Scientist at Amazon Web Services
  • Adam Betts, postdoc 2011-2015
  • Paul Thomson, PhD student (thesis) then postdoc, 2011-2017 Software Engineer at Google

Selected recent publications

Full publication list

TOSEM 2024
Bachir Bendrissou, Cristian Cadar, and Alastair F. Donaldson. Grammar mutation for testing input parsers. ACM Trans. Softw. Methodol., 2024.
DOI | pdf ]
Luke Geeson, James Brotherston, Wilco Dijkstra, Alastair F. Donaldson, Lee Smith, Tyler Sorensen, and John Wickerson. Mix testing: Specifying and testing ABI compatibility of C/C++ atomics implementations. Proc. ACM on Programming Languages, 8(OOPSLA), 2024.
DOI | pdf ]
ICST 2024
Alastair F. Donaldson, Dilan Sheth, Jean-Baptiste Tristan, and Alex Usher. Randomised testing of the compiler for a verification-aware programming language. In IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, 2024. Best Industry Paper award.
DOI | pdf ]
EuroSys 2024
Jack Clark, Alastair F. Donaldson, John Wickerson, and Manuel Rigger. Validating database system isolation level implementations with version certificate recovery. In European Conference on Computer Systems, 2024. Best Paper award.
DOI | pdf ]
ISSTA 2023
Karine Even-Mendoza, Arindam Sharma, Alastair F. Donaldson, and Cristian Cadar. GrayC: Greybox fuzzing of compilers and analysers for C. In ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, 2023. Distinguished Paper award.
DOI | pdf ]
PLDI 2023
Bastien Lecoeur, Hasan Mohsin, and Alastair F. Donaldson. Program reconditioning: Avoiding undefined behaviour when finding and reducing compiler bugs. Proc. ACM on Programming Languages, 7(PLDI), 2023.
DOI | pdf ]
POPL 2023
Vasileios Klimis, Jack Clark, Alan Baker, David Neto, John Wickerson, and Alastair F. Donaldson. Taking back control in an intermediate representation for GPU computing. Proc. ACM on Programming Languages, 7(POPL), 2023.
DOI | pdf ]
Dan Iorga, Alastair F. Donaldson, Tyler Sorensen, and John Wickerson. The semantics of shared memory in Intel CPU/FPGA systems. Proc. ACM on Programming Languages, 5(OOPSLA), 2021.
DOI | pdf ]
Tyler Sorensen, Lucas F. Salvador, Harmit Raval, Hugues Evrard, John Wickerson, Margaret Martonosi, and Alastair F. Donaldson. Specifying and testing GPU workgroup progress models. Proc. ACM on Programming Languages, 5(OOPSLA), 2021.
DOI | pdf ]
PLDI 2021
Alastair F. Donaldson, Paul Thomson, Vasyl Teliman, Stefano Milizia, André Perez Maselco, and Antoni Karpinski. Test-case reduction and deduplication almost for free with transformation-based compiler testing. In ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, 2021.
DOI | pdf ]


For enquiries about the FastPL research group, contact Alastair F. Donaldson

Thank you to John Wickerson for the design on which this website is based